Benalla Saints Sports Club (Football and Netball)
powered by TidyHQMembership Conditions
Membership Conditions
Welcome to membership of the Benalla Saints Sports Club (Football and Netball). You are now a member of one of the finest clubs in the world! We are committed to providing events and services that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
We are here to serve you. We invite you to join our programs, our volunteers, and the caring spirit of our organisation, as we help to make our community a healthier and happier place to live. To ensure the ongoing strength of our club we rely on volunteer efforts, please ensure that you support the club by helping where and when you can.
Please don't hesitate to call upon one of our caring staff / committee people / volunteers if you have additional needs or if we can be of assistance in any way!
Please complete your profile by logging in to the membership portal and updating your information. Click here to update and login. If you have not yet paid you membership fees you will recieve notification from the club which will be due on receipt. Future Membership renewals will become due annually and we will send you reminders (and other club correspondence) to your registered email address - please keep it updated to your preferred email address to make sure we can stay in touch.
For any membership enquiries or assistance please email membership.bssc@mail.tidyhq.com
Welcome to the Benalla Saints Sports Club (Football and Netball) Family!
Geoff Hill
- I waive all claims that I may have against the Benalla Saints Sports Club (Football and Netball) Inc, its officers, directors, members, volunteers, employees, agents and sponsors, or its executors, administrators, heirs, successors or assigns (the organisers), and release them from all claims for death, injury or damage arising out of my participation in their club, their event and its related activities, together with any costs, including legal fees.
- I agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the organisers against damage arising out of my participation in the events and its related activities.
- I agree to comply with all the rules, regulations and instructions of the organisers,
- I acknowledge and agree to comply with the Club's (Benalla Saints Sports Club (Football and Netball) Inc) and the Leagues' we play in have various policies in regards to:
- Alcohol Management Policy
- Illicit Drug Policy
- Code of Conduct
- In the event of injury or illness during participation, I consent to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable by the organisers.
- I acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for my personal possessions and equipment during all the events and activities.
- I hereby permit the free use of my name and picture in any broadcasts, telecasts and the press including website as they pertain to the Benalla Saints Sports Club (Football and Netball) their events and activities.
- I understand that my membership or entry entry fee is non-transferable and not refundable.
- I agree to have my personal details recorded and used by the Benalla Saints Sports Club (Football and Netball) and related parties for further communications of future related events.
- I acknowledge that as a member of the club I will be required to complete a minimum 8 hours of volunteering for the club, including match days and other fundraising events.